Friday, June 16, 2017

Dew Puff Konjac Sponge Review

Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog! Today's post is going to be on skincare. I recently started trying out a Konjac Sponge made by Dew Puff for about a week almost two weeks and I wanted to share with you all my thoughts on this product.

This brand of  Konjac Sponges is made by Dew Puff they are really affordable at $8.00 US each. They come in three different types The white Dew Puff is the Original best for all skin types. Then we have Asian Clay use for dry and aging skin and last is the Bamboo Charcoal which is for blemish prone skin. Currently I'm using the Original Dew Puff and the Asian Clay Dew Puff, I don't have dry skin but I use it because this Asian Clay also helps to add radiance to the skin. And I love products that make my skin glow.

When I first use the Dew Puff I did sanitize it with my first use. The Dew Puff can be sanitize by microwaving a damp Dew Puff for 1 minute or placing in boiling water for 2 minutes. I like this feature because it insures me I can clean this product. My other Konjac Body Sponge that I had came with little to no directions and didn't offer a way to clean the sponge. The Dew Puff will last you for months I say when you start to notice wear and tear it would be time to get a new one. Dew Puff recommend if you use this twice a day then this will last you 3 months.

I didn't use it everyday but I used it most days out of the 2 weeks I tested this out for. Here is what I liked about this product. I like that it's very soft. Once you wet this sponge it is super gentle and you can use it with your cleanser. Another thing I notice with the Dew Puff is my face feels cleaner. After I applied my toner I could see a changed in how clean my skin had gotten then when I cleanse using just my hands. For me I prefer the Dew Puff Original over the rest so far as when I wash my face I can see the dirt that was on my skin come off. But I actually been using the Asian Clay more lol so maybe deep down my mind really likes that one better. The things I didn't like is the dry time I felt like it took too long to dry once I used it and I sometimes it's a little uncomfortable to hold. 

Overall I think this product is a win in my book!

Have you used any Konjac Sponges before?


Disclaimer: This product was sent to me as PR all thoughts are my honest opinion. 


  1. I never fully understood why these were a must, but now I need to get one! I need my skin some radiance in my skin haha.

    Amy x


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