Sunday, February 26, 2012

Guest Post - 5 Beauty Tips for Athletes

This article was contributed to by Anthony Jones who also writes for Sports Management Colleges which helps those looking for a career in professional sports.

You don't have to be a traditional girly-girl to want to look your best.  But if sports and sweats are part of your daily life, it can be difficult to balance them out.  To that end, we thought now would be a good time to go over some beauty tips just for you athletic types.

1. No makeup while playing – It may make you look fabulous but wearing makeup to an event you know you're going to sweat in can do more harm than good. Certain makeup, like foundation, turns for the worse when coming into contact with sweat.  This can lead to acne and even premature aging.  So if you're about to sweat, take your makeup off before you do.
2. Sunblock – If you are taking part in an outdoor activity, it can be easy to forget all about the sun.  However, all those hours spent outside can really add up when it comes to skin damage.  Be sure and use a sunblock, especially on your face and hands, to protect yourself.  There are even sunblocks made for sports that can spray on easily and are sweat resistant.
3. Clean it right – Because athletes sweat so much, they often shower a lot.  But did you know that many shampoos, soaps, and such are not meant to be used  more than once a day?  Use gentle or sensitive skin products when showering to make sure you don't do any damage when cleansing.
4. Moisturize – Many sports can be tough on both your hands, feet, and everywhere in between.  Grab some moisturizer and apply it right after your shower to keep from cracking, peeling, callousing, and more.
5. Burn while you play – Everyone knows sports are a great way to stay fit.  But did you know there are a few extras you can do while playing during down time?  For example, softball players often run laps or do push ups while in the dugout to both stay fit and keep their energy up during the game.

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  1. such a helpful post! I play soccer so I can relate to these very well!


  2. great post! I always get the urge to re-educate girs whenever I see them wearing makeup at the gym... it is sooo unhealthy for the skin!!!


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